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Hurricane Eta/Iota Update - Honduras

Apr 11, 2021

Hurricane Eta/Iota Update - See what Sol Relief is doing to help our partners on the ground in Honduras

Sol Relief has also been working with local community leaders in Honduras in a similar way to that of our relief efforts in Nicaragua. Immediately following Hurricanes Eta & Iota, we were introduced to a woman named Ana Ruth by a fellow nonprofit, Bridges Across Borders. Ana Ruth had an existing and established network of 50 local women in Honduras who had been actively helping single mothers in the area.  These mothers were not only sole-providers for their family, but also either a widow or victim of domestic violence. By providing funds directly to Ana Ruth, she and her network of 50 local women were able to locally procure food, water and basic hygiene supplies and then distribute them directly to women and children who were most in need. Ana Ruth was able to do this quickly, providing receipts down to the penny, and also providing pictures and videos of the families receiving the supplies. 


Working out logistics in Central America is not always seamless or a clear cut task. We received some videos and documentation of some larger nonprofits (NGOs) that received warehouses full of supplies, but were unable to get it into the hands of the community in time.  While the supplies were waiting to get distributed post Eta, Hurricane Iota barreled in, causing flooding and ruining the supplies that were being stored in the warehouse. We are so grateful for Ana Ruth and her network of women who are able to purchase supplies locally and distribute them quickly and efficiently to those who need them most.

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